Thursday, 24 February 2011

Small update...

The mango shake as a pannacotta worked a treat this morning!  Yay!

The chocolate fudge brownies made out of the choc and choc mint shakes...YUM!  Looking forward to lunch.  LOL

I had a simple chicken and salad with a thai dressing I made from scratch...very yummy...will be making that again!

No headache today...possibly also due to Hubby back from Christchurch... :-)

Tony Ferguson Shakes

I hereby say that these shakes are the best ones I have ever tried.  I have tried various others: SureSlim, Fernwood and another can't remember and ewww could not cope with the grainy texture and after taste.  BUT...I am not very good at having them for breakfast as they do make me gag!  But since I generally enjoy the shakes I am not quitting yet!  The best things about TF shakes that you can bake with them and also turn them into dessert like edible creations.   I have just cooked choc fudge brownies using the choc and choc-mint shakes...YUM!  I use this as a meal replacement.  Easy!  The mango shakes I have been having in the morning I have turned tomorrow's into a pannacotta with gelatine...will let you know how that goes.

Dinner is a serve of protein (meat, chicken etc) and 2 cups of veges... TF has some awesome recipes online that I am loving having a go at.  Last two nights I had egg and salmon rolls (egg, salmon, ricotta cheese and salad) very delicious and very filling! 

You are meant to have Chromium tablets everyday to curb sugar cravings but I haven't had to.  I am generally not looking for anything but if I think I need a little pick up I have a couple of spoonfuls of TF jelly and I am set.  I am not feeling hungry inbetween meals.  When I start to feel hungry its actually around the time that I am meant to eat again.  I have been having headaches Tues and Wed especially when waking up in the morning.  Today I only woke up with a slight one but I feel better today...more energy!

I know you'll be thinking you have only been on this diet since Tuesday...but I am doing so much better than previous tries already!  I am proud of myself and at least blogging my journey is making me accountable for my actions!  Thanks to the people that are already following my blog and have left lovely comments!