Well yesterday I hit one of those days at about 3pm that I could have eaten anything!! But to curb the desire to binge on all food bad for me...I sat down and ate the rest of my TF jelly! Phew...got through that one...
Then while taking the boys to swimming all I wanted to do was go out for dinner afterwards and eat whatever I felt like. So off we went to Fasta Pasta...first I ordered a Coke Zero (haven't had one in 1 1/2 weeks)...
Looking through the menu...Do I feel like pasta? No. Do I feel like pizza? No. Do I feel like steak with bacon, cream sauce and chips? No. Hmm the warm chicken salad with balsamic dressing sounds nice...
When I ordered I asked for the warm chicken salad and decided that the salt and pepper squid for entree would be good too.
The Coke Zero...ewwwww!!! It tasted awful...I think I forced myself to drink maybe 100mls of the stuff. Never again! Can't believe how quick my body has detoxed itself to not want to drink this anymore!
The chicken salad...YUM...felt very full and satisfied after! The squid was my "naughty" for the night...it was deep fried but there was only 5 small pieces to eat.
So after my brain going on about how it wanted junk and plenty of it...my body told it in the end that no it wanted to eat healthy food...I am so thankful that it turned out this way!