Monday, 2 May 2011

On the declutter front...

I have made a folder of all the tasks from "Michele Connoly's 30 Day Organise-athon" and slowly making my way around the house.   While  I was waiting for the toast to cook the other morning, I tidied and culled my cutley drawer.  Took 5 minutes and it has made a difference already.  

I have tidied the side garden (with help from Mum - thanks!) and we paved a little bit so the rubbish bins can be moved out easier now.  Did I go buy some new pavers?  No dug up the ones from under the outside washing line that I hardly used and we laid them.  I wanted to paint the fence a particular colour and happened to mention it to friends in conversation and they had a 4L tin of paint in a similar colour to what I wanted.  My friend ended up giving it to me for free as they couldn't use it.  Thanks N!!!

When I am doing some storage I am trying to use boxes and containers that have been lying around for years gathering dust.  Trying to save money as well as getting rid of the clutter!  It is quite a joy when you are recycling things around the home and see areas starting to look tidier and more orderly. 

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