Saturday, 16 April 2011


I have been trying to follow Michele Connolly's 30 Day Organize-athon.   5 minutes a day to an uncluttered house.  See the link below:

I am slowly making my way through each day.  I have actually printed out each day and put them in a folder so I can reference them another time when my clutter starts to build up again.  It feels good when I achieve a set task and see what it leaves that part of my house looking like...One of my major goals in life is to have a house where everything has its place, is easily found and easily put back away.  Then I have to train the rest of my family...ugh!  

Here's another site that I am really getting my teeth into:

If your life is cluttered like mine both of these sites are an inspiration to get off your butt and do something about it!!

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