Saturday 2 April 2011

My hormones can be my worst enemy!!

Well this week has been hell!  Ate all the wrong things.  Craving cheese and sugar.   And of course I gave in and lost control! 

Hormones are not on my side when it comes to losing weight.  This time of the month (PMS week) is the week when I can get depressed, anxious about all my loved ones, want to change alot of things in my life, get motivated mentally to attack my cluttered house but then freeze up when I don't where to start, never do anything, then feel guilty and this all leads to binge eating and I lose my control over my eating and coping skills.  

With eating all these foods that my body doesn't now feels poisoned and low in energy and in pain from the wrong food!  The unconscious mind and body won this one.  Will have to approach future months' hurdles with a new attitude and see if I can win some of these battles.

Being a woman is pain in the butt at times.