Wednesday 7 December 2011

I'm back.....

Oh deary me!!!! Was it really July that I last posted!?  That is just not goes so fast!

Well let's just say, I am back on here because I am back to square one and I need to really make amends!  Yes I am human!  My weight I lost has found me again...My house is ridiculously cluttered and to the point I may need "Hoarders" to come and help...well maybe not that bad...but it's still not good!  Need money to do some renovations on our house.

So, yes I have started my excel spreadsheet with my weight loss goals and exercise goals.  So I will come back every week to tell you how I am going.  I need to be accountable to you wonderful people out there!  So comment away with your ideas and support.  I definitely need it!

My first weigh in is tomorrow and we start from there!