Saturday 26 February 2011

Some inspiration...

To inspire me on I am setting up some outfits at home for me to work towards...I have three outifts in size 14, 12 and 10 displayed in my room. 

Yes the size 10 is a very hard goal... but I'm allowed to dream big aren't I ??

Some other goals I have are:
10kg lost - day spa

Size 12 - buy a new outfit from Lorna Jane (excited much about this one)

Ultimate goal:  fit into the dress I wore to my 21st...then its off to a nice dinner and theatre performance with my hubby all dressed up!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it Juanita. You know what you need to do, so just get on and do your very best each day. Making the right choices most of the time will add up to BIG results!!
